Using the Online Training Provider Tools
- Quick Tip: Where do I add a class on the new website?
To add or edit classes: log on to the GI-BMP Training Site, then click "For Training Providers" on the blue Dashboard bar. If you have hosted classes since 2020, you should have a Training Provider group already selected. If not, check with your lead instructor or the State Office for assistance. - Overview of Training Provider features on new website (2023) - video (10:00)
Tour of new GI-BMP website "For Training Providers" features. This is a recording of the March 2023 Instructor Update meeting. To view the tour, start at timestamp 11:48 in recording. For Zoom procedure update, go to 18:20. - Adding a Class -Tip Sheet, 2023 update (pdf) - summary of steps to add a class plus tips, screenshots and explanation for each of the class form fields.
UPDATED for the new GI-BMP website (launched May 2023).
Additional "how to" materials for using the new website are being developed. In the meantime, please contact the State Office with any questions - we are happy to help!
gi.bmp@ifas.ufl.edu or 352-273-4517