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Avoiding pest problems

  • Select pest resistant Florida-Friendly plants suited for the site conditions.
  • Inspect and purchase plants that are pest-free.
  • Avoid notoriously problematic plants.
  • Properly install and maintain plants so as not to stress them.
  • Set realistic expectations. It’s not practical to strive for insect-free, weed-free or disease-free landscapes.

Treating Pest problems

  • Scout landscape plants and turf areas for pests.
  • Identify pest problems before considering a management plan.
  • Remove pests by hand where possible.
  • Remove infested parts of the plant.
  • Choose the least toxic treatment methods first.
  • Spot treat the affected area rather than blanket spraying.
  • If using pesticides, use targeted pesticides rather than broad spectrum killers to avoid pest resurgence.
  • Follow pesticide labels instructions carefully.
  • Know beneficial insects in your yard as they can help you control pests.

Pesticide Safety