CEU’s are self-reported. Be sure you receive and keep the required documentation when you attend training. CEU training must be completed within the renewal cycle. CEUs do not roll over.

The CEU records you submit must include:

The following are acceptable as proof of CEU completion:

How to Submit CEU Records

Please email a copy of your CEU records to ffl-ceu@ifas.ufl.edu and submit the $50 renewal payment on Eventbrite.

Keep the original CEU documents for your records.

Expiration Reminder

The Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Program will notify you three months in advance of your certification expiration date. Certification expires two years from your most recent certification or renewal.

It is important to keep your contact information current so that we may notify you when it is time to renew. To update your contact information, please email ffl-ceu@ifas.ufl.edu.

What happens if my certification expires?

Failure to fulfill the recertification requirements by the expiration date will void the certification and contact information will be removed from the FFLCP directory. In addition, individuals may not use the FFLCP logo or promotional material and may not represent themselves as a Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Certified Professional.

There is a 90-day grace period to renew after certification expiration. If renewal requirements are not met during the grace period, the certification cannot be renewed. The individual must repeat all training requirements to recertify.  

Certification Revocation

FFL has the authority to revoke the certification privileges for the following reasons:

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