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Green Infrastructure in Florida Video Series


Principles and Practices of Low Impact Development

  • Developing a Better Way: An Alternative Approach to Stormwater Management
  • Introduction to Low Impact Development (LID)
  • Green Stormwater Infrastructure Approach to Stormwater Management
  • Resource Efficient Landscapes: UF/IFAS Extension Alachua County

Retention/Detention Basins

  • Conventional Stormwater Retention Basins: Improvements Over Traditional Designs
  • Traditional Stormwater Retention Basins
  • Ecologically Enhanced Storm Water Basins
  • Enhanced Stormwater Basins: Stormwater Ecological Enhancement Project
  • Exfiltration Tanks: Commercial Parking Lot

Pervious Pavement

Permeable surfaces, unlike impermeable surfaces such as asphalt or concrete, allow stormwater to infiltrate through porous surfaces into the soil and groundwater. EPA parking lots, driveways or sidewalks include pervious concrete, porous asphalt, pervious interlocking concrete pavers or grid pavers.

Swales and Bioretention

Swales are drainage paths or vegetated channels used to transport water. They can be used in small drainage areas with low runoff instead of underground storm sewers or concrete open channels. Swales help slow runoff, facilitate infiltration and filter pollutants as runoff flows through the system.

Green Roofs


Cisterns and Rain Barrels