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Florida-Friendly Landscape Recognition

The Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ (FFL) Program recognizes landscapes that use sustainable landscaping practices. Florida-Friendly landscapes minimize the use of potable water for irrigation, avoid the runoff of excess fertilizers and pesticides from the landscape, and provide habitats for wildlife. They can take any form, from more traditional to more natural. It's how the  landscape is designed and maintained that ultimately determines if it's Florida-Friendly. 

Recognitions are offered for three different categories of landscapes: Home, Commercial, and New Construction. Landscapes are evaluated based on a checklist of Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ practices. Florida-Friendly landscapes receive a yard flag to display and a certificate for the recognition at Silver, Gold, or FFL Natural level.

Show your commitment to protecting Florida’s water and natural resources by making your landscape Florida-Friendly and displaying your recognition flag.

Check with your local extension office to see if landscape recognition is offered in your county.

Recognition Process

In order to have your landscape recognized as a Florida-Friendly landscape, you must follow the steps below:

  1. Download the checklist from the website:
  2. Use the checklist to evaluate your landscape and make any changes needed.
  3. If you need help making your landscape more Florida-Friendly, contact your county's Extension office or see our online materials
  4. When your landscape is ready, contact your local UF/IFAS Extension office to schedule a site evaluation. If your local county does not participate in the FFL Recognition Program, contact the FFL state office.
  5. An Extension agent or appointed FFL representative will visit your landscape and go through the checklist to determine if your landscape qualifies for Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Recognition.

FFL Recognition is valid for 2 years from the date of original recognition. Reevaluation must take place upon expiration to determine if your landscape can remain an FFL Recognized Landscape under the most recent version of the FFL Home Recognition Checklist. The reevaluation process follows the steps as outlined above. Contact your county’s UF/IFAS Extension office to schedule a site evaluation or if you have any questions.