
Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ in a Minute
Episode Archive
Episode #280 | Original Air Date: March 26, 2021
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Planting an edible ornamental is a tasty way to add some extra flavor to your Florida-Friendly Landscaping. Take okra for instance.
While the okra pod is a well-known staple in thick Cajun gumbos, did you know its parent plant produces beautiful, hibiscus-like flowers, and some varieties like ‘Burgundy’ also offer bold, red foliage.
Okra is a warm-season crop that should be planted in a sunny location with well-drained soil. You can start harvesting about 60 days after planting once pods reach about two to three inches in length.
For the most tender pods, harvest early and often, since pods will be too tough to eat if they get too old.
Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ in a Minute is a production of the University of Florida’s Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Program, IFAS Extension, and WUFT-FM in cooperation with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.