
Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ in a Minute
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Episode #414 | Original Air Date: December 15, 2022
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An espalier is any plant trained to grow on a flat plane, often against a wall or trellis. Espaliers add interest to the landscape as living sculptures against blank walls.
Almost any plant can be espaliered, but some plants are better suited than others. In Florida, popular plants to espalier include magnolia, hollies, and fruit trees.
Depending on your time and imagination, espaliers can range in complexity from simple designs to intricate patterns.
To maintain an espalier, prune all stray branches that grow beyond the boundaries of the desired pattern. For maximum color make sure to prune flowering and fruiting plants during the proper season.
Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ in a Minute is a production of the University of Florida’s Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Program, IFAS Extension, and WUFT-FM in cooperation with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.