Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ in a Minute
Episode Archive
Episode #276 | Original Air Date: March 22, 2021
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With more than 1,200 species and hybrids to choose from, begonias are a popular landscape plant that can provide striking color throughout the year.
In the landscape, the bushy, fibrous-rooted wax begonias are the most popular. These have pink, white, or red flowers that give rich color, even during the summer. Begonias thrive in light, well-drained soil with lots of organic matter.
Since wax begonias are cold sensitive, plant them in the spring after the danger of frost has passed, grouping them in bunches or mixed among other bedding plants.
Plant your new begonias as soon as possible after purchase to give you even more time to enjoy these eye-catching plants!
Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ in a Minute is a production of the University of Florida’s Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Program, IFAS Extension, and WUFT-FM in cooperation with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.