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Green Stormwater Infrastructure Webinar Series

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection partnered with the Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ program and Ferguson Waterworks to host a nine-part webinar series informing communities on green stormwater infrastructure and how they can implement these methods to protect Florida's water resources.

Supplementing conventional stormwater management with these new methods can enhance the performance of an entire drainage system. These techniques deliver environmental, social and economic benefits to communities, including reducing water pollution and improving quality of ground and surface waters.

The webinars cover topics ranging from funding to design, maintenance, ordinance compliance, and more.

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Recorded Webinars

Introduction to Green Stormwater Infrastructure - February 16, 2023
This presentation covers the DEP Nonpoint Source Management Program's GSI initiatives including the GSI website, publication tool, and pilot projects, as well as the State and Federal funding opportunities.

Funding Green Stormwater Infrastructure - March 16, 2023
A partnership between the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Ferguson Waterworks, and the Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ program.

Tree Boxes and Suspended Concrete Systems - April 20, 2023
This webinar will educate participants on some of the common approaches to implementing Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI), provide Florida specific examples on how to overcome challenges, and review the available GSI resources.

Pervious Surfaces - May 18, 2023
This webinar will provide information on the use, construction and maintenance of pervious surfaces in green stormwater infrastructure systems.

Bioretention/ Rain Gardens - June 22, 2023
This webinar will provide information on the use, construction and maintenance of bioretention cells and rain gardens. 

Bioswales - July 27, 2023
This webinar will provide information on the use, construction and maintenance of swales and bioswales.

A house surrounded by trees

Green Stormwater Infrastructure Design Techniques - August 17, 2023
This webinar will provide information on Green Stormwater Infrastructure Design Technique.

A creek flowing through a landscape of low groundcover and high, shaded canopy.

Green Stormwater Infrastructure - Municipal/ Regulatory - September 21, 2023
This webinar will cover regulatory and code information on Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) ordinances, Basin Area Management Plans (BMAPs), BMP trains, and GSI rules and regulations.

A roadside swale with aquatic and semi-aquatic plants.

Green Stormwater Infrastructure - Lessons Learned and Roundtable - November 2, 2023
The experts from the GSI webinars gather together to recap this webinar series, answer questions and share critical information about the lessons they have learned working in this field.