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Research/Data for Florida-Friendly Buildings and Developments

Estimated Water Savings Potential of Florida-Friendly Landscaping Activities
This document looks at how implementing FFL can result in water savings for home landscapes.

Basic Tips for Designing Efficient Irrigation Systems 
This 10-page fact sheet discusses factors to consider when designing irrigation systems.

Low Impact Development Fact Sheet Series
Series of fact sheets on low impact development strategies.

Health and well-being benefits of plants 
This website has an overview of research related to the health benefits of plants. Texas A&M.

Review of the Emotional and Mental Health Benefits of PlantsJournal of Environmental Horticulture article that summarizes publications regarding the emotional and mental health benefits associated with plants.

Ways plants promote better mental health and wellbeing
Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) research that spending more time in nature has a beneficial impact on our mental health.

How Plants Improve Your Mental and Physical Health
Website with benefits of plants in your child’s life and horticultural therapy.

Guidance for Amending Urban Soils with Organic Amendments
This document and accompanying Field Sheet provide guidance on incorporating organic amendments into urban soils. For an example on how to adopt compost-amended soil requirements into ordinance language use Example Ordinance for Compost Amending Soil in Urban Landscaping.


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