Episode #296 | Original Air Date: April 19, 2021
Waterfront living involves unique challenges and responsibilities. Shoreline vegetation attracts wildlife and reduces erosion. It can also protect your privacy and help beautify your property.
When planting your freshwater shoreline, select native aquatic plants such as bullrush and pickerelweed and be sure to remove invasive exotic species. However, check with your municipality before you make any changes.
These plantings can be part of a low-maintenance buffer zone that extends at least 10’ up from the water’s edge. This helps reduce pesticide and fertilizer runoff from adjacent landscape areas.
Don’t let grass clippings or leaves get washed into the waterbody because their high nutrient content can increase pollution.
Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ in a Minute is a production of the University of Florida’s Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Program, IFAS Extension, and WUFT-FM in cooperation with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.